What applied to your specimen ?

 Case 1


Case 2


Case 3


  • No DNA

  • Not covered by NP
    (e.g. human remains)

  • Collected prior to Dec. 29 1993 or

  • Collected in international waters or Antarctica or

  • Check https://absch.cbd.int for the following cases:

    • Country where collected is non-party of CBD
      (e.g. USA) or

    • Country is a party of CBD and to NP, but provides free access to their genetic resources (e.g. United-Kingdom) 



  Check https://absch.cbd.int for:

  • Country is a party of CBD but not NP
    (e.g. Canada, New-Zealand) or

  • Country is a party of CBD and party to NP, but (had)
    not yet passed access regulations or legislation or

  • Country is a party of CBD and to NP and does not provide free access but sample was collected before October 12, 2014 or before the NP went into force in that country



  Check https://absch.cbd.int for:

  • Country is a party of CBD and to NP
    and does not provide free access and sample was collected after the NP went into force in that country


Please provide


Please provide


Please provide

  1. Basic information
  1. Basic information
  2. Additional Information
  3. Documentation (recommended)
  1. Basic information
  2. Additional Information
  3. Documentation

 1. Basic information


2. Additional Information


3. Documentation


  • Country and exact location
    where genetic resource was collected
  • Date of collection
  • Any permits/documentation linked to the specimen (?)


  • Name of the national competent
    authority that granted access.


  • Prior Informed Consent (PIC) and/or
  • Mutally Agreed terms (MAT) and
  • Material Transfert Agreement (MTA)
    if required by the provider country
  • Link to International recognised certificate of
    Check https://absch.cbd.int for this if available.